St. Mary's Parish in Barrie Ontario Altar in Lent 2021

Archbishop Leo Travels to St. Mary's Parish in Brampton

Posted : Apr-25-2024

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On April 14 the Most Reverend Francis Leo, Archbishop of Toronto traveled to the Western Region of the archdiocese to make a pastoral visit to St. Mary's Parish in Brampton. 

Archbishop Leo celebrated Mass for parishioners at the parish and then had the opportunity to meet many of the faithful in a wonderful reception in the parish hall. Fr. Liborio Amaral, pastor of the parish along with Fr. Edgar Lopez, Sch.P, the associate pastor and the parishioners provided a very warm welcome to His Grace, and were very appreciative of his time spent at the parish.

St. Mary's parish has a long and rich history in the Archdiocese of Toronto opening in February of 1910. The church, which had a capacity of about 250 was a welcome site for the growing population of Catholics in Brampton at the time. Many years later, in 1964, a newer and much larger church building was constructed to accomodate the rapidly growing Catholic population of more than 1,000 families. This new church was dedicated and blessed by Cardinal James McGuigan.


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