St. Mary's Parish in Barrie Ontario Altar in Lent 2021

The Easter Vigil - Christ is Risen

Posted : Mar-31-2024

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It begins with the blessing of the Easter Fire and from it the Pascal Candle, which is then brought into the darkened church. The Exultet, the great hymn of light, is sung. The Easter Vigil Mass is the service that concludes the Easter Triduum, thus transforming Lent in Easter. It means 'Christ is Risen'. With a rich display of symbols, rites and readings, the church in worship expresses her faith in the mystery that brings her into being. Throughout the Archdiocese of Toronto, we welcome new Catholics who received their first sacraments as part of Easter Vigil celebrations. We pray for all those who have joined our faith community after months of preparation and prayer.



Easter Vigil Collage