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Around St. Mary's This Week (May 23, 2021)
Lord, send out your Spirit and renew the face of the earth! Psalm 104
Feast of Pentecost - Each year, 50 days after we celebrate Jesus’ resurrection from the dead we celebrate Pentecost. After Jesus’ resurrection...
Around St. Mary's This Week (April 11, 2021).....
Christ is Risen! Alleluia!
For 50 days we celebrate the great feast of Easter! In our parish and homes, we continue to praise our God and celebrate Jesus’ victory over death. Alleluia!
An Easter...
Around St. Mary's this week (March 28, 2021)....
Preparing for and Celebrating the Easter Triduum
April 1– 4, 2021
The Easter Triduum is the highpoint of our Church year. The word Triduum means three. For a Catholic there is really nothing more important...
Pastoral Plan: Catholic Outreach in Justice and Love
Our pastoral plan challenges us to witness and serve in diverse ways and to be advocates where injustice occurs: through pastoral care to those who are poor and marginalized, to students on campus, to those who are imprisoned, seeking refuge...
Virtual Ordinandi Dinner Events - Tuesday, March 2, 2021
These two events are sponsored by the Serra Foundation of Canada and the 6 Serra Clubs in the Archdiocese of Toronto to help promote vocations to the priesthood and religious life and allow parishioners to meet the new seminarians who...
Find the Creator in the Science of the Universe
Earlier this week, the Newman Centre Catholic Mission at the University of Toronto hosted a fascinating discussion about what our current scientific knowledge of the universe says about the existence of God. And you can now watch...
Our Mission Through Baptism
Fr. Michael McGourty is the pastor of St. Peter’s Parish in Toronto.
Over the years, many people have asked me a very simple question when we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord: “Why was...
The Gift of St. Joseph: Changing the World from the Shadows
Rebecca Spellacy is the Associate Director of Liturgy in the Office of Formation for Discipleship in the Archdiocese of Toronto.
On December 8, 2020, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, issued an apostolic letter, Patris Corde (With a Father...
More on the Bioethics of COVID-19 and the Vaccine
Moira McQueen is the director of the Canadian Catholic Bioethics Institute (CCBI). Bambi Rutledge is the administrator of the CCBI.
Every week, the CCBI publishes a COVID Bulletin, which helps the public understand the latest developments in the...
Christ the King: Sovereignty Based on Intimacy
Fr. Frank McDevitt is the pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Aurora, Ont.
There is a story told about Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh. It seems that the queen and Prince Philip were touring Canada and near...
Caring for Others in a World Full of Need
Fr. Wilson Andrade is the pastor St. Ann’s Parish and the administrator of the Native Peoples’ Mission, both are in Toronto.
In the book, Values for Life, the author presents a story of Diogenes, the Greek philosopher...
Join in on the Archdiocese’s Virtual Gathering of Families
Cardinal Thomas Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, is pleased to invite families from across the archdiocese to our third annual virtual gathering of families: Family at the Heart of Formation!
Happening on Saturday, November 28, 2020 starting at 10 a.m...
Some of the Many Misconceptions about Saints
Fr. Biju Kannampuzha is the pastor of St John Vianney Parish in Barrie, Ont.
We celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints on November 1st. In doing so, we celebrate not only those who have been officially proclaimed saints throughout...
The 'Pointlessness' of Discipleship
Fr. Matt McCarthy is the Vocation Director at the Archdiocese of Toronto. The Office of Vocations produces daily video reflections, which you can view here. They feature many archdiocesan priests and are sure to provide daily inspiration to all...
Knights of Columbus Founder to Be Beatified
Fr. Michael McGivney, who founded the Knights of Columbus in 1882, will take a step closer to sainthood on Saturday, October 31, 2020 at 11 a.m. when he will be beatified at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in...
It Is about a Relationship
Fr. Frank McDevitt is the pastor of Our Lady of Grace Parish in Aurora, Ont.
When I worked in Barrie, Ont., a few times every week I passed the Hiway Pentecostal Church which had a large sign on its exterior...