A purple lenten banner outling the pillars of Lent - Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving


The Sacrament of Reconciliation is also known as Confession or Penance. 
This sacrament of healing is a celebration of being reconciled with God and the believing community.  This sacrament celebrates the mercy and love of God who desires that all people be reconciled and live in right relationship with God, one another and all of creation.
When we choose to be unloving we damage our relationship with God and others.  The Church names this action a sin.  Sin damages or ruptures our relationship with God.
When preparing young children and youth to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation it is important to begin by assisting them to name and celebrate the particular gifts and talents that God has given them.  Recognizing that we have the ability to share our talents with others and that we are able to follow Jesus’ law of love is a foundational step in moral development.
A parent is the guide or mentor who teaches the child or young person to reflect on their choices and realize that they could have been more loving or made a different choice.  This awareness that we have been deliberately unloving leads us to come and seek God’s mercy and love, to be reconciled.
The parish provides the parents, the primary educators of their children, with assistance and resources to prepare their children to celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation.   
If you have any questions about the preparation process please contact Catherine Ecker at cecker@archtoronto.org or call the parish at 705 728 2985 ext 115. the parish catechist.