A purple lenten banner outling the pillars of Lent - Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving


Sunday Eucharist (Mass) is the highlight of the entire Christian week.  The word Eucharist comes from the Greek word meaning thanksgiving.  On the day of the resurrection we gather to give praise and thanks to God for the amazing deeds that God has done and is doing.
Each and every Sunday God calls us to come and gather for the weekly celebration of Jesus’ death and resurrection.  In the Church a liturgical day begins at sundown therefore when we gather for the celebration of Mass on Saturday evening we are celebrating the first Mass of Sunday.  The primacy of the Sunday Eucharist cannot be overstated.  Weekly participation in Sunday Eucharist is a hallmark of a Catholic way of life.
 To participate in the weekly celebration of Sunday Eucharist is the obligation and joy of each baptized person. Being ready to receive the Body and Blood of Christ means we are ready to participate fully in the entire celebration of Eucharist.  Participating fully includes singing, listening, watching, responding to the prayers, hearing God’s Word proclaimed, coming to be nourished at the table of the Lord and being sent to love God by loving and serving one another.
Children who are baptized in the Roman Catholic Church and have reached the age of reason are prepared by their parents to come and share in Holy Communion for the first time.  This immediate preparation takes place in the parish and includes times for parent catechesis (teaching), prayer, Sunday worship and family catechesis.  Parents wishing to prepare their child for first sharing in Holy Communion are invited to attend an information meeting.
Adults or children who are not baptized in the Roman Catholic Church and desire to participate fully in Eucharist through reception of Holy Communion are invited to speak with one of the priests or contact the parish office at 705 728 2985. 
Please Note:
If your child is not baptized or was not baptized in the Catholic Church and he or she wishes to celebrate a sacrament please contact Catherine Ecker at Cecker@archtoronto.org