The St. Vincent de Paul Collection
The Society of St Vincent de Paul will be having its annual collection next weekend, September 14/15. It is through your donations we are able to provide food for our clients and their families. From January - August 2024, we served 2569 people. Our average monthly expense for food gift cards is $10,000.00.
We are so appreciative of all past donations especially during this past summer when our bank balance was extremely low. We accept cash, cheques - payable to St. Mary's - Society of St Vincent de Paul and e-transfers. ( Tax receipts are provided by mail or through your email address, if it has been submitted. Green envelope donations will be included with your parish tax receipt. If you are interested in giving of your time to our Ministry team, please call 705-722-0753 and leave a message. On behalf of our Ministry and our clients, thank you for your prayers and continued support.
Praying for the Sick: If you or a family member is sick please let us know and we shall add their name to our prayer list which is posted in the gathering space of the church.
Did You Lose a Ring?
Please contact the parish office if you lost a University of Toronto ring.
Vitamin F: Our Father!
Preparing for the Jubilee Year in 2025
Tuesday, September 10th from 7:00 – 8:30 p.m.
In advance of the Jubilee Year, Pope Francis has asked for a preparatory year to take place in 2024 with a focus on the need for prayer, especially reflection on the Lord’s Prayer. We shall continue our preparation, by reflecting and focusing on the first two petitions in the Lord’s Prayer: Hallowed be your name and Your Kingdom Come. All are welcome to attend this time of catechesis, conversation and prayer. We will begin at 7:00 p.m., have simple refreshments available and conclude by 8:30 p.m.
Church Bulletin Advertising
Liturgical Publications will be setting up the advertisements for our church bulletin. The advertising will begin in October 2024 and supports the bulletin service. Please support the bulletin and advertise your product or service. Call Liturgical Publications at 1-800-268-2637.
Hospital Visiting
If you or a family member are admitted to RVH please let them know you are Catholic and call the parish office. If you wish to receive Holy Communion please let the parish office know and one of our pastoral visitors will come to see you.
A Symposium to Educate our Community on Homelessness in Barrie
Monday, September 23, 2024
7:00 – 9:00 p.m. – Parish Hall
This symposium is for all people concerned about homelessness in our community, the lack of affordable housing, and the shelter system. Come and hear speakers from the County of Simcoe, Barrie Homelessness and Housing Justice Network; Busby Centre, St. Mary’s Parish and St. Vincent de Paul Society. Registration is not required! All are welcome!
Are you a university or college student?
This school year, open your heart to an exciting journey of spiritual growth and community. Join campus ministry to grow deeper in your faith, form lasting friendships and experience university/college life in a more meaningful way. Connect with campus ministry anywhere in Canada and find your Catholic home on campus! Scan the QR code or visit
The Barrie Mayor’s Prayer Breakfast
Wednesday, October 2nd, 2024 at 7:25 a.m. at the South Shore Centre on Lakeshore Drive, Barrie. The guest speaker will be former NHL star Dave Burrows. Music will be provided by Shannon and John Barks, Dr. Jim Shaver will be honoured for his community contributions. Tickets $30 in advance or $35 at the door. Please contact Trevor Owen at for tickets and further information .
Questions regarding the preparation process for Confirmation or first sharing in Holy Communion please contact the parish catechist: Catherine at 705 728 2985 ext. 115 ( or David Murdoch (
All Adults 55+ - Ministry with Maturing Adults
VON SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) Exercise Program is held on Tuesday mornings. For
details regarding registration please call: VON at 705 737 5044 ext. 221.
Christian Meditation: We meet at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, September 10th on Zoom. The Zoom link is on our parish website or contact Catherine Ecker If you are interested in learning more about this form of prayer or have questions. Catherine Ecker 705.728.2985 ext. 115 or All are welcome!
Alumni Writing Group: this is a gathering for those who have already completed the Life Story Writing program. The monthly meeting will be held on Thursday September 12 at 2:00 p.m. in St. Joseph’s Room.
Bible Study
You’re invited to register for a bible course studying the Gospel according to Mark, using the biblical text itself and the Church’s own guidelines for understanding the scriptures. Wednesday, October 2nd at 2:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. This series will run every Wednesday until the end of January. Pre-registration is required. Call the parish office at (705) 728-2985 to register before September 21st.
Altar Server Training – FOR THE 2024-2025 Year
Altar server practice for all new servers on Thurs., Sept. 12 at 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. OR Thurs., Sept. 19 at 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. in the church proper. All children Grade 4 and up who have received their first communion are welcome to attend ONE of these practices. Any questions please email David Murdoch:
Wednesday, September 25th: Anointing of the Sick
The Anointing of the Sick conveys several graces and imparts the gifts of strengthening in the Holy Spirit against anxiety, discouragement and temptation and conveys peace and fortitude e. The Anointing of the Sick is a prayer of healing including spiritual health and for the courage, strength and peace to bear the burden of illness. We will celebrate a Mass of Anointing on Wednesday, September 25th at 12:10 p.m. All those requesting the Sacrament of Anointing, young and elderly are welcome to attend. A reception of soup and sandwiches will follow in the parish hall.
Classic Movies – Fall Schedule
We have a wonderful line up of classic movies. Snacks included (free will offering). All welcome – no sign ups.
Movies shown on the following Tuesdays at 2:00 p.m. in our parish hall: Sept. 10th & 24th, Oct. 8th & 29th, Nov. 26th, Dec. 17th. Our feature film is next Tuesday, September 10th is “Dodsworth” starring Walter Huston.
Any questions, please contact David at
New Program - Just Sing!
Mark your calendars for a laid back, fun afternoon of song and fellowship as we come together to JUST SING, our way through the folk, pop, gospel and traditional music songbooks. Bring your voice whether you can sing or not! No sign up – just come and just sing! Cookies and tea included. Any questions please ask David Join us on Tuesday, September 17 at 2:00 p.m. at the parish. Other dates for Just Sing: Oct.15, Nov.12, Jan.21, 2025, Feb.18, April 8, May 6, and June 3.
Youth Ministry
M.E.R.C.Y. (Ministry to Educate Roman Catholic Youth) is for youth grades J.K.-4 and gathers once a month on Friday nights from 6:00-7:30 p.m. where we explore our faith in a dynamic way through activities, games, crafts and music. Our next gathering is Friday, October 4th.
EDGE is a youth ministry program for youth grades 5-8 to come together once a month on a Friday from 6:00-7:30 p.m. EDGE is a safe, fun place for youth to find solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith and most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way. Our next gathering is Friday, September 27th.
LIFE TEEN –for high school teens to explore their faith through talks, prayer and friendship meeting monthly on Sunday nights at 4:00 p.m.
Our next gathering is Sunday, October 6th.
Questions or Helping with Youth: For questions or if anyone is interested in helping with our youth ministry, please reach out to Shannon Barks at email or call Shannon at 705-229-7426. Training days will be held in Toronto on September 22/23rd.