St. Mary's Parish in Barrie Ontario Altar in Lent 2021

Meet Albert

There’s a little guy living somewhere at St. Mary’s Parish who you may see out and about the church. He moved in during covid times and has made himself right at home, doing God's work in his own special way. His name is Albert T. Finneginaginagin, a rousing good natured-good neighbour who wants to do all the right things that Jesus wants him to do by spreading the Good News and helping everyone. 

Along with Shannon, our youth minister, and Tootsie, his ever resourceful lost sheep, you can watch all of Albert's misadvertures and find out what he's been up to this year.

Made for M.E.R.C.Y. and the Youth Ministry, produced by Shannon Barks and David Murdoch. 



Albert Learns a Word-A-Day

Albert is going to appear on that famous Catholic game show "Catholic Quackers" and soon discovers what it takes to learn about God and His Church Made by St. Mary's Parish, Barrie ON © copyright 2025

Albert Says His Prayers

Albert learns all about prayer and finds out it how difficult praying can be when there are distractions!

Albert Does Advent

Albert learns all about preparing his heart for Christmas during the season of Advent while there's a church blackout. 

Albert Gives the Tour

Albert gives a tour of St. Mary's Church in Barrie to a visiting TV company doing a documentary on a typical Canadian Parish.

Albert and the Stars

Albert follows God's request to Abram and tries to count ALL the stars in the sky.

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