A purple lenten banner outling the pillars of Lent - Prayer, Fasting and Almsgiving

Communion to the Homebound

Communion is brought regularly to our parishioners who are homebound, in long term care centres or to the Royal Victoria Hospital. The Minister of Communion to the homebound or sick are acting on behalf of the parish community. For those who are sick or unable to join the community for Sunday Mass the pastoral visit and opportunity to share in Holy Communion brings comfort, spiritual nourishment and is a reminder of the parish’s support and concern for them.

All volunteer Ministers of Communion from St. Mary’s wear an identification badge and are screened through the parish Ministry Affirmation program. The screening program follow the directives of the Archdiocese of Toronto and the Ontario Screening Initiative. Communion Ministers use a sacred container (pyx) to carry the Body of Christ.

If you are aware of a need, or have a family member who is ill at home that requests communion, or wish to volunteer for this very important ministry, please contact the parish office at 705 728 2985.

We invite you to consider volunteering and becoming part of this very important parish ministry.

Clipart containing the words Communion to the Homebound