St. Mary's Parish in Barrie Ontario Altar in Lent 2021

Advocating for Affordable Housing

Dear Fellow Parishioners

St. Mary’s Parish has a long tradition of responding to the needs of the vulnerable members of our society. Before a shelter existed in Barrie, we were part of “Out of the Cold” feeding and sheltering the homeless, and our St. Vincent de Paul society continues to assist low-income people.  As you may know we have been participating in the Breakfast Program since 2020, and we provide 100 meals every Saturday to clients of the Busby Centre. In May of 2023 we invited people to join a Social Justice / Advocacy Committee. This group is focused on education and advocating for change to the systems that are flawed and perpetuate social problems.

The number of people who are unhoused is growing. There was a 25% increase from 2022 to 2024 in the Province of Ontario. Although the County of Simcoe is building some units that will be “rent geared to income”, the supply of affordable housing is far less than the number of people requiring a home.

The path to being homeless is not the same for everyone.  Too often, we can state that the people without a home are on drugs, mentally ill or recently released from prison with a bus ticket to Barrie.  Yet significant number of people become homeless because of job loss, personal illness or illness in their family, family dysfunction or a relationship ending. Sometimes the pressure and stress of being without a home leads people to turn to drugs and alcohol. 

We do know that providing affordable housing is key for people’s self-worth and dignity in order to move forward.  Funding programs for those who suffer from mental illness is also very necessary, and we need more programs for those who suffer from addiction.  Continuing to provide meals is not going to address the root cause of homelessness and addiction.

It is time for the Provincial Government to take back the responsibility for social housing as it was in the 1990’s and for the Federal Government to return to the underwriting of long-term social housing.

We are asking you to write your Member of Provincial Parliament, the Premier, and key cabinet ministers.  Sample letters and a list of politicians will be available in the parish hall after all the masses on April 5/6 with stations to write letters. Thjere are also letteres on the right hand side of this Webpage.

We know that we have a responsibility as Catholics to speak and care for the most vulnerable members of our society.

“…just as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it to me.” (Mt 25:40)


Members of the Social Justice / Advocacy Committee at St. Mary’s Parish