Women in the developing world waiting for a food shipment

Development and Peace - Caritas Canada

​Development & Peace is an organization which works for social justice, within a Catholic framework,​ both in Canada and abroad.

The Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace was founded in 1967 to address poverty and injustice in the Global South. Over 50 years it has invested $600 million in over 15,000 projects in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East.

Currently, Development and Peace works in partnership with approximately 150 local organizations in 30 countries in the Global South in programs intended to address the root causes of poverty by working on issues such as democracy and citizen participation, gender equality, food sovereignty, control of natural resources, peace-building and humanitarian aid.
Here in Canada, Development and Peace organizes campaigns to raise awareness of the global systems that create poverty and injustice and raises funds to support local organizations in the Global South and humanitarian aid responses. Fundraising is undertaken through the annual Sharelife campaign.
Development and Peace Logo
Development and Peace
At the parish level, Development and Peace’s primary role is to raise awareness. In 2017, the St Mary’s group undertook the annual national education and action campaign, hosted a Coffee Sunday, provided a Lenten Solidarity calendar to parishioners and led a Solidarity Way of the Cross during Lent, If this is something that you would like to support or participate in, please contact Becky Johnson (705) 325-4614
More information on Development and Peace