St. Mary's altar area at Easter decorated with flowers and yellow and white banners

Around St. Mary's This Week (March 21, 2021)...

已发布 : Mar-17-2021

Tree representing Ministry with Maturing AdultsMINISTRY WITH MATURING ADULTS

The Ministry with Maturing Adults seeks to support the lifelong faith development of women and men throughout all phases of the pre-retirement and retirement years. Programs are open to parishioners in the second half of life.

VON SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) Exercise Program is held on Tuesday mornings. For details regarding registration etc. please call: 705 737 5044 ext. 221.

Christian Meditation meets weekly, online. Christian Meditation is one form of prayer and is a discipline that requires practice, concentration and commitment. This ancient form of Christian contemplative prayer invites us into a time of sacred silence. The next session is on Tuesday, March 23 at 10:30 a.m.  All are welcome. No prior experience is needed. If you have any questions or to receive the link to the meeting please email Catherine Ecker at


Basket holding envelopes2021 OFFERTORY ENVELOPES

Due to the pandemic and the church closure, many of the offertory envelopes could not be picked up.  We sincerely thank the Knights of Columbus, Council 1626 and other volunteers for their assistance in delivering the envelopes to each household. Excellent work!

seating in a churchPEW REFINISHING

As you probably have noticed our pews are in need of refinishing. To protect the wood and the longevity of our pews we have arranged for this job to be done.  This project will take between four to six weeks and begins this coming Monday, March 22nd.

In order to accommodate the work crew the church hours have been revised as follows:

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

Open                 9:30 a.m.

Adoration         10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.

Mass                12:10 p.m. (church closed directly after Mass)


Open                5:00 p.m.

Confessions      5:30 pm – 6:30 p.m.

Mass                7:00 p.m. (church closed directly after Mass)



Georgian College Logo


Thursday, March 25th  4-6PM

HomeFeast is a virtual community event hosted by Barrie HomeShare.  During Georgian College’s Changemaker in Residency Week, you and a Georgian College Student will cook a meal together online and then join in a virtual celebration feast.

How it Works:  Adults 55+ will be matched with Georgian College Students and these matched pairs will meet virtually on a regular basis – to plan the HomeFeast meal.  Barrie HomeShare will help to provide ingredients through meal kits and help you and the student learn how to connect together online.

Why Participate?  Students are looking to build connections and relationships within their community.  Many are a long way from home, friends and families. 

For more information and to register please contact Laura Moote at or sign up online


Easter TriduumPreparing for and Celebrating the Easter Triduum: April 1– 4, 2021

The Easter Triduum is the highpoint of our Church year. The word Triduum means three. For a Catholic there is really nothing more important than gathering with the community to pray throughout these three days.

A liturgical day begins at sundown, so our first day is from sundown on Thursday to sundown on Friday. The second day is sundown on Friday to sundown on Saturday and the third day is sundown on Saturday to sundown on Sunday. The Easter Triduum is really one liturgy that extends over the three days. We go home in-between to rest, pray and to ponder the mystery of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection.

We live in a world that seldom takes time off from work and daily demands so it is important to plan how we can keep the Easter Triduum holy. You are invited to take time each day, to prepare and to reflect on the liturgy. Suggestions will be posted on our Facebook page: St. Mary’s Parish – Barrie.


5th Sunday of Lent5th Sunday in Lent: Celebrating a Scrutiny

A scrutiny is a prayer for purification and strength. The scrutiny is a preparatory rite for the sacrament of baptism when the elect will reject sin and declare their belief in God. We pray for and with our five elect.oday in Catholic parishes throughout the world the Church will celebrate the third and final scrutiny with the elect.

At Easter we will renew our baptismal promises rejecting sin and declaring our belief in God as creator. As you prepare for the 5th Sunday in Lent you are invited to reflect on where in your life do you require the healing and powerful touch of God our creator.  Is there a relationship in need of God’s healing?


Cross and flameEnrolment for Confirmation

During all Sunday Masses on

March 20 / 21 the candidates who attended the March meeting will celebrate enrolment at the Mass they attend.  On the day of Enrolment, as a tangible sign of our membership in the Body of Christ and commitment to living as disciples each candidate is asked to bring three new unused toiletry items (tooth brush/ toothpaste, shower gel, shampoo)



Cross of ashesHoly Thursday April 1st Mass of the Lord’s Supper: 8:00 p.m. (there is no noon Mass)

You are invited to bring gift cards for grocery stores or cash to the celebration of the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday.  These monetary gifts will be brought forward during the Preparation of the Gifts.

Good FridayGood Friday April 2nd Celebration of the Lord’s Passion:                              12:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.

-We will gather for the Celebration of the Lord’s Passion.  We do not celebrate Mass on Good Friday. It is the same liturgy at 12:00 and 3:00 p.m.

Family PrayingHoly Saturday April 3rd Midday Prayer 12:00 p.m.

- Gather with the parish family to pray Midday Prayer.  This time of prayer will include anointing of the elect and the final preparation for initiation.  All are invited to this brief time of prayer.

Easter Vigil April 3rd at 8:00 p.m.

St. Augustine called this vigil the “Mother of all Vigils”.  We hear stories from Scripture, proclaim God’s praises and rejoice at the waters of new life.  We will celebrate initiation with our five elect and together with thanksgiving participate in feasting at the Eucharistic table.

** There is no 5:00 p.m. Mass on April 3rd.

EasterEaster Sunday April 4th

8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. 12:00 noon and 4:00 p.m. 

The doors of the Church will open 20 minutes before Mass is to begin.




Kindergarten to Grade 3 youth group


"M.E.R.C.Y. with an EDGE" will continue to meet once a month on zoom following to original schedule.  The next date for this is Friday, March 26thYou can catch any missed episodes on St. Mary's YouTube Channel to see what Albert has been up to :)