Altar of St Mary's with Gold decor and Easter flowers

Around St. Mary's This Week (8 May 2022)

已发布 : May-05-2022



babies in diapersDIAPER DRIVE

Catholic Women’s League are collecting diapers, pull-ups and wipes this weekend after all Masses for The Women’s and Children’s Shelter of Barrie. Donations of cash or cheques are welcomed. (Cheques made payable to: The Women and Children’s Shelter of Barrie). Thank you!


prayer requestsIf you or a family member is sick please let us know and we shall add their name to our prayer list which is posted in the gathering space of the church.

We remember in prayer those who have died recently including: Lino Odorico, Wayne Campbell and Lucy Seedhouse.



AllelluiaFor 50 days we celebrate the great feast of Easter! In our parish and homes, we continue to praise our God and celebrate Jesus’ victory over death. Alleluia!

Family Prayer during Eastertime

As your family gathers for meals throughout the season of Easter you are invited to begin by lighting a candle and then praying together.

Alleluia! Christ is risen! Alleluia!

God of all joy, We are at this table of plenty celebrating Easter joy.

We thank you for the food we have before us and for those who prepared it.

We remember those who do not have enough to eat.

Bless this food and our time together for you are the God who lives and reigns for ever and ever. Amen. Alleluia!

You are Invited to Join Us for


Tuesday May 10, 2022

EasterIt is Still Easter: Celebrating the 50 Days!

The Church calls all people to continue to grow in understanding and knowledge of our faith. Join us on May 10th as we deepen our understanding and appreciation of the 50 days of Easter! This session will be in the parish hall. We will gather for refreshments and conversation at 7:15 p.m. and begin with prayer at 7:30 p.m. All are welcome to join Father Larry and Catherine Ecker for a time of faith nourishment!


Share LifeWhen you support ShareLife, you help educate our future priests.

Through ShareLife, you invested in our Church’s future by supporting 60 seminarians at St. Augustine’s Seminary and Redemptoris Mater Missionary Seminary in this past academic year. Thus far our parish has raised $48,449 toward our goal of $110,000. If you haven’t yet contributed, please make your sacrificial gift through the parish office or at

Thank you for supporting ShareLife!


Tree representing Ministry with Maturing AdultsARE YOU IN THE SECOND HALF OF LIFE?

At St. Mary’s Parish we seek to support the lifelong faith development of women and men throughout all phases of the pre-retirement and retirement years. Programs or sessions are open to everyone. For more information or suggestions for programs please contact Catherine Ecker at 705 728 29185 ext. 115 or email:


seniors exercisingVON SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) Exercise Program is held on Tuesday mornings. For details regarding the program and registration please call: 705 737 5044 ext. 221.


Hands holding up a crossChristian Meditation is an ancient form of contemplative prayer rooted in the Christian tradition. This group meets weekly. Our next session will be online on Tuesday, May 10th If you are interested in learning more about this form of prayer or have questions please contact Catherine Ecker. ( or 705 728 2985 ext. 115)


writing programWriting Circle Alumni Group: this is a gathering for those who have already completed the Life Story Writing program. The monthly meeting will be held in person on Thursday, May 12th at 2:00 p.m. in St. Joseph’s Room.



July 15, 1953 – July 26, 2020

Many parishioners will remember our late Pastoral Associate, Mickie Oakes who was on staff for over ten years. Friends and former colleagues have arranged a tree planting ceremony in memory of her on Thursday, May 12th at 4:30 p.m. in the St. John Vianney School Garden.


altar serversALTAR SERVERS

If you are interested in serving at Sunday (Saturday evening) Mass and did not attend the training, we invite you to please attend the meeting on Tuesday, May 10th at 6:30 p.m. If you have questions please contact David Murdoch at or call 705 728 2985 ext. 101 and leave a message.

Cross and flameFinal Meeting for Confirmation Candidates

Reminder to All Candidates


The final catechetical meeting with candidates and sponsors will be held on May 9th. The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. It is understood that the candidate and sponsor will attend the meeting together. IF, the sponsor cannot attend the parent is to attend.


A Sign of our Communion with God and Union with Others

priest holding CommunionBeginning on the third Sunday of Easter a number of our young people will begin to share in Holy Communion. They and their parents have been preparing for months. It is valuable for us to review the directives on sharing in Holy Communion.

Our sharing in Holy Communion is a profoundly public personal act. We process forward to share in Holy Communion. It is most definitely a holy union with Jesus and with our brothers and sisters in Christ. There is nothing private about the Communion procession.

In 2011, the Canadian Bishops instructed that our common sign of reverence before sharing in Holy Communion be a bow of the head. The ritual does not expect anyone to genuflect, kneel or make the sign of the cross before or after receiving Holy Communion.

At the time of Holy Communion when the person in front of you has received Holy Communion and you are in the front of the procession, you bow your head, the Minister of the Body of Christ will say, “The Body of Christ”, you reply, “Amen”.

It is important to note that the only appropriate response is Amen. The Church expects that Amen is said in a voice that can be heard by the Minister of Holy Communion.

After saying Amen the Minister of Communion places the host in your hand. You step to the side, put the host in your mouth and return to your place.

The Communion procession is a time of communal prayer. We sing the Communion hymn as an outward sign of our unity. We sit or kneel for silent prayer when the priest sits down after Communion.