Welcome to St. Mary's

Around St. Mary's This Week (2 October 2022)

已发布 : Sep-29-2022

Indigenous image of Turtle Island with trees growing on itIndigenous Healing and Reconciliation Fund Special Collection this weekend

As part of our ongoing efforts to deeply engage in the journey of healing and reconciliation, the Archdiocese of Toronto has made a firm commitment to provide funds in support of programs and initiatives that respond to the various needs that exist among Indigenous Peoples both locally and throughout the country. The Bishops of Canada have made a $30 million collective financial commitment. The archdiocese will contribute $6 million towards the national pledge.  St. Mary’s Finance Council has committed to match our parishioner’s donations to this collection from our interest income over the past three years. Thank you for your support.


prayer requestsPraying for the Sick and Faithful Departed

If you or a family member is sick please let us know and we shall add their name to our prayer list which is posted in the gathering space of the church.

We remember in pray those who have died recently including Doreen Adams, Lael Campbell, Rosita Barbaro and Lloyd Sykes.



Friday, October 7

6:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.


coffee cupHospitality Sunday!

Thank you to those who brought goodies to share and to the Knights of Columbus who hosted and served.  Our next Hospitality Sunday will be October 22nd /23rd after all Masses. You are invited to bring some of your favourite cookies or muffins to share.  The Catholic Women’s League will be hosting and serving.




Effective Immediately

Are you interested in working with children from 11:55am-12:55pm, either every day, a couple of days a week or on a call-in basis? 

Please contact the Monsignor Clair School at (705)737-2812 to speak with the principal. This is a paid position.



Eucharistic adorationEUCHARISTIC ADORATION

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday after the 12:10 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. in the church proper.



voteMunicipal Elections 2022

Cast Your Vote!

A municipal election will be held on Monday, October 24, 2022. All Catholics are strongly encouraged to exercise their democratic right to vote. To help learn more about the candidates for Catholic School Board Trustee, Cardinal Collins has given permission for these candidates to distribute literature departing Mass this weekend and through to October 22/23. We hope you’ll take the time to get to know those seeking elected office for this important role. To ensure your vote for Catholic School Board Trustee, at the polling booth, verify that you are registered as a separate school supporter. If your support status is incorrect ask for an Application to Amend Voters' List. This form may be completed and submitted at the polling station. Thank you for your interest and involvement in this fall’s municipal election!


faith mattersYou are Invited to Join us for Vitamin F: Tuesday October 11th

Reflecting on the Eucharistic Prayer: Our Prayer of Thanksgiving  

Each time we gather for Mass we pray the Eucharistic Prayer. Although the prayer is prayed aloud by the presider, it is our communal prayer.

We will explore the Eucharistic Prayer, our primary prayer of praise and thanksgiving and how we are formed by this prayer. All are welcome to join us for this time of spiritual nourishment. 

We will gather for 7:30 p.m. and conclude by 9:00 p.m.



Ministry with Maturing Adults: For All Adults 55+

Tree representing Ministry with Maturing Adults

All are welcome to attend the various session offered for those in the second half of life. 


Wednesday, October 26th: Maintaining a Healthy Brain - You are invited to join us from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. for an informative and timely session lead by VON staff.  There is no cost to attend, simple refreshments will be available. meeting
bowl of soup

Wednesday, November 23rd Soup and a Movie

You are invited to join us at 12:00 noon for soup, bread and sweets followed by a movie. Cost: free will donation.

Thursday, October 20th : Classic Movie with simple Refreshments at 2:00 p.m.


playing cards

Thursday, October 27thCards, Games and Refreshments at 2:00 p.m.

Hold the Dates: November 30th and December 14th.  Stay tuned for more details!

save the date

seniors exercising

VON SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles TogetherExercise Program is held on Tuesday mornings. For details regarding the program and registration please call: 705 737 5044 ext. 221.

Christian Meditation is an ancient form of contemplative prayer rooted in the Christian tradition. Our next sessions will be on Tuesday, October 4th at 10:30 a.m. on Zoom. All are welcome.


If you are interested in learning more about this form of prayer or have questions on any of the above programs or activities, please contact Catherine Ecker. (cecker@archtoronto.org or 705 728 2985 ext. 115).  


Season of Creation: Listen to the Voice of Creation

“Part of caring for creation is asking ourselves this important question as we go about our daily lives: How does this action heal or harm, repair or replenish, create or destroy?” from https://www.csjoseph.org/season-of-creation/



baptismBaptism for Children Over the Age of 7

The preparation for baptism of children over the age of seven is distinctly different than the process for infants and young children.  If you are seeking baptism for your child who is seven years of age or older, please contact Catherine Ecker (cecker@archtoronto.org) for details on the preparation process.





Ages K to Grade 5 group M.E.R.C.Y. (Ministry to Educate Roman Catholic Youth) is for youth grades J.K.-4 and gathers once a month on Friday nights from 6:00-7:30 p.m. where we explore our faith in a dynamic way through activities, games, crafts and music.  Our next gathering is Friday, October 7th! 
Middle school kids

EDGE is a youth ministry program for youth grades 5-8 to come together once a month o   n a Friday from 6:00-7:30 p.m.  EDGE is a safe, fun place for youth to find solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith and most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way.  Our next gathering is Friday, October 21st.


Teen youth group

LIFE TEEN – for high school teens to explore their faith through talks, prayer and friendship meeting monthly on Sunday nights. 

Our next gathering is TODAY - October 2nd at 4:00 p.m. 

For information on our Youth Ministry please email stmarysyouthministrybarrie@gmail.com or call Shannon Barks at 705-229-7426.


Cross and flamePreparing for Confirmation in Eastertime 2023: An Information Meeting for Parents and Young People 

There will be an information meeting at the church for parents and young people currently in grade 7 or older, and baptized Roman Catholic. The final opportunity to attend this meeting is on Oct. 6TH from 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Details regarding the preparation process are shared at the meeting and participation is necessary.


Golden ChalicePreparing Young People for first Holy Communion:  An Information Meeting for Parents  

Parents of children currently in grade 2 or older, baptized Roman Catholic and ready to prepare for First Holy Communion are to attend the meeting on Oct. 4th from 7:30 p.m.-8:30 p.m. Details regarding the preparation process are shared at the meeting. This is the final opportunity to attend the information meeting.


All families who began preparation in 2019, 2020 or 2021 and did not celebrate the sacrament are asked to attend the information meeting.

Questions regarding the preparation process contact the parish catechist: Catherine at 705 728 2985 ext. 115 or Email: cecker@archtoronto.org.