St. Mary's church during spring

Around St. Mary's This Week (11 July 2021)....

已发布 : Jul-08-2021



cross and windDue to the protocols surrounding COVID-19, this year’s Annual Mass for the Faithful Departed has unfortunately been cancelled at our seven Catholic cemeteries. 

His Eminence Thomas Cardinal Collins, Archbishop of Toronto, will celebrate and livestream a special Mass in honour of our faithful departed on Wednesday, August 18 at 7:00 p.m. at St. Michael’s Cathedral Basilica. 

The mass can be viewed here:


Praying for the Sick

prayers for these peopleSt. James reminds us of our calling to pray for those in need and for the sick.  As the baptized we all share in the ministry of prayer. If you have a family member who is sick please let us know and we shall add their name to our prayer list which is posted in the gathering space of the church. The list will be updated weekly.

We will include the name of the person in the General Intercessions (Prayer of the Faithful) for one week.  We will continue to print in the bulletin the names of those who have died recently.

Ministry to the Hospitalized

If you or a family member are hospitalized please contact the parish so you or they may receive a pastoral visit. 



Tree representing Ministry with Maturing Adults

Christian Meditation meets weekly, online. The next session is on Tuesday, July 13th at 10:30 a.m.  This ancient form of Christian contemplative prayer invites us into a time of sacred silence. All are welcome. If you are new to Christian Meditation and would like some information or if you would like the link to the meeting please email Catherine Ecker (



Barrie's Virtual Senior CentreCity of Barrie Senior Centre without Walls

Throughout July and August, the city of Barrie will continue to offer programs for seniors. The programs run through Senior Centre without Walls are phone based, interactive and free. In addition, the City has partnered with Art Your Service who are offering programs virtually through Zoom. You can find details on the programs on the City of Barrie website,


Prayer for Families Waiting to Celebrate a Sacrament

We invite you to pray in an intentional way for families preparing for Baptism, for our young people waiting to be confirmed and for all families preparing their children to begin to share in Holy Communion.

Gracious God,

I pray for the families waiting to celebrate

a sacrament.

I ask for your blessing upon praying together

Jesus, Mary and Joseph

pray for our families.



You are Invited to Join Us for Faith Nourishment

Tuesday, July 13th at 7:30 p.m.

Topic: An Initial Conversation about the Truth and Reconciliation

Calls to Action # 58 – 61.

Hands holding up a crossIn order to redress the legacy of residential schools and advance the process of Canadian reconciliation the Truth and Reconciliation Commission issued calls to action. There are specific calls to action for the Church. The recent finding of unmarked graves is a call to every Catholic to deepen our understanding of the residential schools and the inter-generational trauma they have caused.

Our monthly session of Vitamin F will be an opportunity for us to begin the conversation. We shall meet online. Please email Catherine ( to get the link.

All are welcome to join Father Larry and Catherine for this time of prayer, conversation and catechesis.


Completing the Preparation for Confirmation

Cross and flameAll families who have chosen to complete the preparation for Confirmation are reminded that the candidate and sponsor are to attend one session.  If the sponsor cannot attend the parent is to be present.  Please take note of the date and time, if you cannot attend at the assigned time please come to the other session.  Please arrive ten minutes before the session is to begin.

Thursday, July 15     7:30 – 8:30 p.m.     Surnames A – M

Tuesday, July 20     7:30 – 8:30 p.m.     Surnames N – Z

When at the church please practice physical distancing and wear a mask.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact Catherine Ecker (  or phone 705 728 2985 ext. 115.


Receiving Holy Communion

A Sign of our Communion with God and Union with Others


priest holding CommunionThroughout the summer weeks of Ordinary Time children in our parish will share in Holy Communion for the first time.  The children will sit with their families and participate fully in the entire celebration of Mass.  It is always good for those of us who come to the table each week to pause and recall the proper way to share in Holy Communion.

At the time of the Communion procession when the person in front of you has received Holy Communion and you are in the front of the procession you will bow your head, the Minister of the Body of Christ will say, “The Body of Christ”, you will reply, “Amen”.  It is important to note that the only appropriate response is Amen.  The Church expects that Amen is said in a voice that can be heard by the Minister of Holy Communion.  

After saying Amen you will receive the Body of Christ, step to the side and consume the host immediately. The General Instruction of the Roman Missal indicates that when standing before the Minister of Communion the faithful should make a simple bow of the head. (par. 160).   This common sign of reverence is made once, before receiving the Body of Christ.  The Blessed Sacrament is being reverenced. When the priest sits down after Communion we sit or kneel for silent prayer.



A BIG thank you to all who participated and helped with this year’s in person bible camp this past week!  We were at maximum capacity respecting all Covid protocols and the week went off without a hitch.  Our campers enjoyed a week of crafts, games and activities.  Thank you also to the Knights of Columbus, Council 1626 who served lunch to all on Friday!  Save the date for Bible Camp 2022 – the week of July 4-8th.