St. Mary's altar area at Easter decorated with flowers and yellow and white banners

Around St. Mary's This Week....

已发布 : Mar-04-2021

MINISTRY WITH MATURING ADULTSTree representing Ministry with Maturing Adults

The Ministry with Maturing Adults seeks to support the lifelong faith development of women and men throughout all phases of the pre-retirement and retirement years. Programs are open to parishioners in the second half of life.

During the pandemic Christian Meditation meets weekly online. Christian Meditation is one form of prayer and is a discipline that requires practice, concentration and commitment. This ancient form of Christian contemplative prayer invites us into a time of sacred silence. The next session is on Tuesday, March 9th at 11:00 a.m. All are welcome. No prior experience is needed. If you have any questions or to receive the link to the meeting please email Catherine Ecker at

Writing Circle Alumni Group:  this gathering is for those who have already completed the Life Story Writing program. The monthly meeting will be held Thursday, March 11th online at 2:00 p.m.

For further information on the Ministry with Maturing Adults please contact Catherine the coordinator at 705 728 2985 ext. 115 or by email:


Lent Title3rd, 4th and 5th Sundays in Lent

Please note: on March 7, 14 and 21st at all Sunday (Saturday evening) Masses the readings for the Liturgy of the Word will be from Year A.  For those who use a Living with Christ missal to prepare you will find these readings in your Missal.


Dove, Chalice and Baptismal CandlePrayers for our Elect: On Sunday, February 28th we were able to celebrate the Rite of Election with our five catechumens.  During the Rite, the godparents witnessed to the readiness of our catechumens (known now as the elect) to be initiated during the Easter season and they affirmed their desire to celebrate Baptism, Confirmation and to join us at the Lord’s Table.  We thank God for calling our elect and ask you to pray for them during their final period of preparation.  We remember in prayer: Oliver, Jackson, David, Hailey and Jack.


Water, Bread and Holy SpiritPreparing to Celebrate Confirmation 


Preparing for First Sharing in Holy Communion

When we are able to re-open the preparation will resume.  Please consult the parish website and check your emails regularly.  Emails will be sent via Flocknote!


St. Joseph and JesusYou are Invited to Join Us for Faith Nourishment

Second Tuesday of Every Month at 7:30 p.m. 

Tuesday, March 9thExploring the Year of St. Joseph!

The Church calls all people to continue to grow in understanding and knowledge of our faith.  To assist all members of the parish we are offering an evening of prayer, catechesis (teaching) and discussion on the second Tuesday of each month. During the time of lockdown we shall meet on line.  Please email Catherine ( to get the link. 

All are welcome to join Father Larry and Catherine for a time of faith nourishment! 




Middle school kidsEDGE – if you are in grades 5 – 8, enjoy games and love to laugh, come out to our EDGERS ONLY virtual games night on Friday, March 12th @ 6:00 p.m. Join us on and enter Meeting ID: 810 2303 3855, and Passcode: 512683.  One of your hosts will let you in! We are looking forward to seeing everybody!

Teen youth group

LIFETEEN – The next Lifenight in our new series entitled, “KEEP IT TOGETHER”, is Sunday, March 14th at 6:00 p.m.  This series is a powerful and relatable 4-week journey diving into the current climate faced by teens, discussing how to seek and see God through it all. 

Teens are invited to join through zoom by going to and using the following:  Meeting ID: 878 9866 4685 Passcode: 560756. 


Ages K to Grade 5 group


"M.E.R.C.Y. with an EDGE" will continue to meet once a month on zoom following to original schedule.  The next date for this is Friday, March 26thYou can catch any missed episodes on St. Mary's YouTube Channel to see what Albert has been up to :)



For information on our youth ministry or for any further questions, please email or call Shannon Barks at 705.229.7426.


a journey through LentOur Lenten Journey:

Come and Journey with a Savior

The liturgical season of Lent prepares us to celebrate the Easter Triduum and the wonderful fifty days of Easter. Our Lenten hymn “Come and Journey” invites us to reflect on our lives as disciples and our call to be a sign of Christ in the world.

Come and journey with a Savior   

Who has called us from our birth,

Who has washed us in the waters,

And who loved us on the earth.



Come and journey, come and journey,

With a Savior who has come.

We are all God’s sons and daughters.

In the Spirit we are one.


Come and journey, journey inward,

Come and seek him deep within,

Where he meets us in our living

In our striving and our sin.  Ref.


Come and journey, journey outward,

Telling others of his name,

Telling others of his glory,

Of his cross and of the shame. Ref.


Come and journey, journey outward,

Where that cross calls us to care,

Where injustice and where hunger

And the poor call us to share. Ref.


Come and journey, journey upward,

Sing his praises, offer prayer.

In the storm and in the stillness,

Find his presence ev’rywhere. Ref


Come and journey, journey onward,

All our gifts we now shall bring.

To the building of a city

That is holy, Christ its king. Ref


Text:  © Herbert O’Driscoll, alt.

CCLI #2529095




Catholic Women's League logoCATHOLIC WOMEN’S LEAGUE

All ladies of the parish are invited to join CWL's VIRTUAL ST. PADDY'S DAY PARTY on Tuesday, March 16th at 7:00 p.m.  Test your knowledge of Irish trivia; join in games, quizzes, music and fun! See fellow parishioners online.  If we do not have your email address and you haven't been receiving CWL emails, contact Dianne Hunter at to receive a Zoom link.  If you can, please wear something green.