St. Mary's altar area at Easter decorated with flowers and yellow and white banners

Around Our Parish This Week (27 June 2021).....

已发布 : Jun-23-2021


Seniors DancingWe thank God for the many parishioners in the second half of life who contribute to the health of our parish and community.  We pray for all residents in long term care facilities and for the many seniors who live at home.  You are invited to check out the virtual Senior’s Fair being hosted by the Barrie Public Library.  You can find out more information by visiting'-fair and clicking on Events!


Hospital sign

Ministry to the Hospitalized

If you or a family member are hospitalized

please contact the parish so you or they

may receive a pastoral visit. 




Parish Trivia

Plaque of Labyrinth outside St. Mary's Church


Do you know what this sign represents and where it is located in our parish?



2 wedding ringsWedding Anniversaries: Living and Celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage

The expression a wedding lasts a day a marriage lasts a lifetime highlights the importance of celebrating and living marriage vows day after day. The married couples in our parish are a sign to us of God’s faithfulness and through their witness we are strengthened.

If you celebrated a wedding anniversary in June we shall pray with you and share in your joy at all Sunday (Saturday evening) Masses this weekend, June 26th and 27th. We thank God for the gift and witness of the of the married couples in our midst.


A Prayer for Ordinary Time

God of wisdom and love, source of all good,Cross for Ordinary Time

send your Spirit to teach us your truth

and guide our actions in your way of peace.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.





every child mattersFollowing the discovery of the remains we have seen memorials set up as a sign of our grief and solidarity with the Indigenous people. A memorial assists us in beginning to process the horror and grief. We must acknowledge the pain, the wrong doing and continue to pray for healing and justice.e are profoundly saddened by the discovery of the remains of at least 215 children at the former Kamloops Indian Residential School on the Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc First Nation. Many people including the Catholic Church failed the children and their families. Those entrusted with the administration of the residential schools failed to respect the dignity of all people and to proclaim the Gospel of mercy, love and compassion.

We must put prayer into action and be engaged in working for justice for all Indigenous people. You are invited to bring a brand-new pair of children’s shoes or boots to the parish. You may drop off the new shoes in the parish hall during the week or before any Sunday / Saturday Mass.  We shall ship the new shoes to an Indigenous community.



Tree representing Ministry with Maturing AdultsThe Next Chapter Network is a faith-based support network for women who are widowed.  The network encourages and empowers widows to move forward into a positive future.  This group is not a bereavement support group and is not intended to replace the Bereavement Support Group at St. Mary’s Church. The next meeting will be online on Monday, June 28th from 7:30 p.m. to 8:45 p.m.  To get the link or more information please contact Catherine Ecker at

Christian Meditation meets weekly, online. The next session is on Tuesday, June 29th at 10:30 a.m.  This ancient form of Christian contemplative prayer invites us into a time of sacred silence. All are welcome.  If you are new to Christian Meditation and would like some information or if you would like the link to the meeting please email Catherine Ecker (


Completing the Preparation for Confirmation

Cross and flameAll families who have chosen to complete the preparation for Confirmation are reminded that the candidate and sponsor are to attend one session. If the sponsor cannot attend the parent is to be present.  Please take note of the date and time, if you cannot attend at the assigned time please come to the other session.  Please arrive ten minutes before the session is to begin.

Thursday July 15     7:30 – 8:30 p.m.     Surnames A – M

Tuesday July 20     7:30 – 8:30 p.m.     Surnames N - Z

Confirmation will be celebrated in August.  When at the church please practice physical distancing and wear a mask.  If you have any questions or concerns please contact Catherine Ecker ( or phone 705 728 2985 ext. 115.


Keeping Our Parish Records Up-to-date!  You Belong!

seating in a churchIf you have moved, changed your email address or phone number please let the parish office know by emailing or calling 705.728.2985 ext. 101.   If you have not formally registered in the parish please do!   You may pick up a registration form at the office or in the foyer of the church.  Being registered in the parish helps the parish to serve you. Being registered is more than filling out a form.  Registration means that we want to gather each Sunday with our brothers and sisters in Christ to worship God and that we want and intend to support the ministry of the Church.  We support the work of our parish by sharing our time, talents and monetary resources.