Lent Title

7th Sunday in Ordinary Time

已发布 : Feb-15-2023

AKeeping a Holy LentSH WEDNESDAY:  February 22nd marks the beginning of Lent.  There will be Mass at 12:10 p.m. and 7:00 p.m.  Each will include the distribution of ashes.  Ash Wednesday is a day of fast and abstinence when those over fourteen and under sixty are asked to refrain from eating meat and to limit food to one full meal and two smaller snacks.

ADDITIONAL MASSES DURING LENT:  Wednesday’s at 12:10 p.m.

STATIONS OF THE CROSS:  Celebrated each Friday evening at 7:00 p.m.



Lent TitleLent Begins on February 22nd

Lent is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning Spring or Springtime.  Understanding that Lent has no meaning apart from Easter is essential. Lent is a season of preparation that begins on Ash Wednesday.

The season of Lent Easter is a 90-day period.  For the 40 days of Lent we prepare so we are able to celebrate with unfettered joy the 50 days of Easter. Lent is a time of spiritual preparation for those seeking baptism and for the baptized it is a time of spiritual preparation to be ready to renew our baptismal promises. The season of Lent has a penitential spirit.

The season of Lent is a privileged time of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. These three traditional practices are intended to assist us in preparing to celebrate Easter.

The Church invites us to be deliberate and intentional in our prayer; deliberate and intentional in our fasting and acts of charity or service or almsgiving.  We engage in these Lenten practices to prepare us for Easter.

We call upon God’s Spirit to assist us in examining our lives, to name what keeps us from living in union with God and then to seek God’s care and guidance as we strive to live in a way that we are in closer union with God.


Fasting can be from food, drink, habits or behaviors. We can fast from complaining, being judgmental, wasting time on the internet, gossiping, etc.


Praying for the Sickprayer requests

If you or a family member is sick please let us know and we shall add their name to our prayer list which is posted in the gathering space of the church.

We remember in pray those who have died recently including: Beatrix Black, David Primosig, Wilfred Guthrie, Gerard Prince.


Wedding Anniversaries: Celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage

Wedding ringsIf you celebrated a wedding anniversary in February we shall pray with you and share in your joy at all Sunday (Saturday evening) Masses on February 25th and 26th.

Please join us in thanking God for the gift of the married couples in our midst.



Saturday, March 4th, 2023

St. Mary’s Church will be taking a bus for our young people and any adults interested in attending the Life Jesus Higher Rally in Toronto at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre.  Tickets are $50/pp.  Please contact Shannon Barks at 705-229-7426.


Taizé Prayer Service

Friday, February 24th, 2023

TaizeAt 7:30 pm, Westside Evangelical Lutheran Church, 510 Ferndale Drive N., Barrie. We invite you into reflection and meditation through prayer, song, Scripture and silence. This service is hosted by The Barrie Taizé Community—A partnership of Christian Churches.

For more information, please email Susan Stott-Hood at sstotthood@gmail.com




Knights of Columbus Logo You’re invited to the Knights of Columbus, Council 1626stack of pancakes

Annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on

Tuesday, February 21st

from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in the parish hall.

Good Will Offering


Tree representing Ministry with Maturing AdultsMinistry with Maturing Adults:For All Adults 55+

All are welcome to attend the various sessions offered for those in the second half of life. 

seniors exercisingVON SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) Exercise Program is held on Tuesday mornings. For details regarding registration please call: VON at 705 737 5044 ext. 221.


meditationChristian Meditation is an ancient form of contemplative prayer rooted in the Christian tradition. We will meet at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday February 21st on Zoom.  If you are interested in learning more about this form of prayer please contact Catherine Ecker. (cecker@archtoronto.org or 705 728 2985 ext. 115)

movieThursday February 23 at 2:00 p.m. Classic Movies - This month for Classic Movies, we’ll be having a laugh-out-loud, I Love Lucy episode marathon.television show I Love Lucy  All are welcome. Simple refreshments are provided.



Confirmation Preparation: Important Reminder!

Cross and flameCatechetical Meeting # 2: Candidates and Sponsors

The next catechetical meeting for candidates and sponsors is in Lent.   IF the sponsor cannot attend it is understood that the parent will be present.  You are asked to attend the assigned meeting. If you are unable to attend the assigned meeting you do NOT need to notify the parish, simply attend the other meeting. 

The meetings are:

Feb. 27th                     Surnames A to G

March 7th                    Surnames H to Z

The meeting begins at 7:30 p.m. and will conclude by 8:45 p.m.

balloonsCatholic Women's League logoCWL Public Speaking

Congratulations to Johnny Barks from “Home School “, winner of the Mary Matthews public speaking contest and to Anna Tomash from St Monica’s School, runner up. The contest was held in our parish on Saturday Feb. 11 2023. The winner will now compete at the Regional level contest at St John Vianney church in Barrie on Feb. 25 at 10am, 13 Baldwin Road


Ages K to Grade 5 groupM.E.R.C.Y. (Ministry to Educate Roman Catholic Youth) is for youth grades J.K.-4 and gathers once a month on Friday nights from 6:00-7:30 p.m. where we explore our faith in a dynamic way through activities, games, crafts and music. 

Our next gathering is Friday, March 10th from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.

Middle school kidsEDGE is a youth ministry program for youth grades 5-8 to come together once a month on a Friday from 6:00-7:30 p.m.  EDGE is a safe, fun place for youth to find solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith and most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way.  Our next gathering is Friday, February 24th

Teen youth groupLIFE TEEN – Lifeteen is for high school teens to explore their faith through talks, prayer and friendship meeting monthly on Sunday nights. Our next gathering is Sunday, March 12th.  

For info. on our Youth Ministry please call Shannon Barks at 705-229-7426 or email stmarysyouthministrybarrie@gmail.com


EDGE Catholic Adventure Camp

campA 5-day Catholic adventure camp with sports & activities, catechesis, Mass, praise & worship and fellowship!

Who:  Students currently in grade 5-8 who attend EDGE.

When:  August 27th to August 31st, 2023

Where:  Camp White Pine, Haliburton 

Cost: $475.00 (before April 30 early bird deadline) $525.00 until from May 1-31 (last day to register) All-Inclusive (Food, Transportation, Accommodations, Camp T-shirt, Water bottle)

Space limited to a first come, first register basis.

For questions & to register, contact: Shannon Barks at 705-229-7426 or stmarysyouthministrybarrie@gmail.com 



Indigenous image of Turtle Island with trees growing on itOn 4 consecutive Tuesdays: February 28, March 7, 14, 21, 2023
From 6:30 to 8:30 pm

In-person at St. Margaret Church,
161 Hanmer St W, Barrie, ON

You are invited to attend four video sessions. Designed by Sister Kathleen Lichti of the Sisters of Saint Joseph in London, Ontario, these sessions will include a film and a talking circle for participants led by Indigenous Knowledge Keepers Tracey Whiteye, Tina Stevens, Gloria Thomson, and Mary-Anne Kechego

Session 1: Stolen Lands, Strong Hearts.
Session 2, 3, 4: They Came for the Children, a documentary series produced by filmmaker, Kevin Moynihan.

  • From Assimilation to "We are all Treaty People"
  • The Residential Schools
  • "The Churches, the Apologies and Indigenous Spirituality" and "The 94 Calls to Action and Signs of Hope"


REGISTER by contacting Elaine or Catherine at kairos.simcoecounty@gmail.com by Feb. 24.
Registration fee of $20. Registration is limited to 25 participants on a "first come, first served" basis.


Logo for Kairos CandaSponsored by Simcoe County KAIROS
KAIROS Canada unites Canadian churches and religious organizations
in a faithful ecumenical response to the call to “do justice, and to love
kindness, and to walk humbly with your God” (Micah 6:8).