colourful autumn leaves

33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

已发布 : Nov-17-2023

Support for Retired PriestsShepherd’s Trust Collection Today.

If you are intending on responding on a future weekend, please put your marked donation envelope in a regular collection. 

Thank you for your support!


prayer requestsPraying for the Sick and Faithful Departed

If you or a family member is sick please let us know and we shall add their name to our prayer list which is posted in the gathering space of the church.

We remember in prayer those who have died recently including: Michael Berenguer, Paul O’Neill, Roland Gervais and all those mentioned in our Book of Remembrance.

hospital visitsVisiting the Hospital: if you or a family member are admitted to RVH please let them know you are Catholic and call the parish office to inform us. If you wish to receive Holy Communion please let the parish office know and one of our pastoral visitors will come to see you.


A November prayer

heart and crossThroughout November we pray for those who died. Although the falling leaves and days that are getting shorter can create a picture of death we know that Jesus in his resurrection has destroyed death for all time. During this month you are invited to light a candle when you gather for a meal or family prayer and to include a prayer for those who have died including those who have no one to pray for them. A traditional prayer for those who have died is:

Eternal rest grant unto them O Lord,

And let perpetual light shine upon them.

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed,

Through the mercy of God, rest in peace.



Patron Saint of Widows and Widowers: St. Elizabeth of Hungary

St. Elizabeth of HungaryIn our parish, many widows and widowers continue to serve God, our parish and the community at large through their witness and living faith. The years of their married life continues to bear great fruit in our midst.

St. Elizabeth of Hungary is the patron saint or an example for widows and widowers. The universal Church marks her feast day on the day of her death, November 17th. On Sunday November 19 (Saturday November 18th) at all Masses we will thank God for the witness of these many widow and widowers and ask God to bless them.



Knights of Columbus Council #1626Knights of Columbus Logo

The K of C invite all men of the parish to a new initiative with the purpose of strengthening our faith through prayer, formation & fraternity. The program, called Cor (Latin for ‘heart’), is designed ‘to refocus Catholic men on Jesus Christ and to form and strengthen them in faith and virtue’.

Led by Fr. Scott, with K of C members, our intent at first is to meet monthly, and more regularly as the program develops. Our inaugural session will be held on November 25 from 2:00-4:00pm in the Joseph room at St. Mary’s. Light refreshments will be provided. Since this is a new venture, we anticipate much discussion as to how participants visualize the evolution of this program.

Further questions can be forwarded to Bob Tinkess:


Tree representing Ministry with Maturing AdultsMinistry with Maturing Adults: For All Adults 55+

All are welcome to attend the various session offered for those in the second half of life.

seniors exercisingVON SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) Exercise Program is held on Tuesday mornings. For details regarding registration please call: VON at 705 737 5044 ext. 221.


Christian meditationChristian Meditation is an ancient form of contemplative prayer rooted in the Christian tradition. We will meet at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday November 28th on Zoom. All are welcome! If you are interested in learning more about this form of prayer please contact Catherine Ecker. ( or 705 728 2985 ext. 115)


movieWednesday November 22nd Soup and a Movie at 12:30 p.m.

bowl of soupYou are invited to join us at 12:30 p.m. for soup, bread and sweets followed by the movie Rudy.

Cost: free will donation. To be sure we have sufficient food please reserve your spot by Monday November 20th.

Call Catherine at 705 728 2985 ext. 115 or email:


save the dateMark Your Calendar:

Thursday November 30th at 2:00 p.m. Classic Movies

Wednesday December 6th at 2:00 p.m. Advent Lessons and Carols

Wednesday December 13th at 2:00 p.m. Advent Reflection: Living in Hope lead by Fr. Scott Young.


2023-24 Sunday MissalA New Liturgical Year: Year B

The new Missals are available in the foyer or from the parish office. The cost is $5.00. 

Please remember to put your name in the Missal!


Preparing for First Holy Communion: Parent catechetical meeting #1

Golden ChaliceAll families who have registered in the preparation process for first Holy Communion are reminded to attend the parent catechetical meeting in November. Parents will receive a family book and catechesis focused on preparing to celebrate reconciliation (confession). We ask that only parents attend. It is fine for one parent to attend. The parent meeting will be held from 7:30 – 8:45 p.m.

The final opportunity to attend this meeting is Tuesday November 28th.


Taizé Prayer ServiceTaize 

Friday, November 24th, at 7:45 pm, at Holy Spirit Catholic Church, 650 Essa Road, Barrie.

We invite you into reflection and meditation through prayer, song, Scripture and silence.

Hosted by The Barrie Taizé Community.

For more info. email Susan Stott-Hood at 


Youth Ministry

Ages K to Grade 5 groupM.E.R.C.Y. (Ministry to Educate Roman Catholic Youth) is for youth grades J.K.-4 and gathers once a month on Friday nights from 6:00-7:30 p.m.

Our next gathering is Saturday, December 2nd at the Family Dance!


EDGE 2023EDGE is a youth ministry program for youth grades 5-8 to come together once a month on a Friday from 6:00-7:30 p.m. 

Our next gathering is Friday, November 24th  


LifeTeen 2023LIFE TEEN –for high school teens. Meets monthly on Sunday nights at 4:00 p.m. Our next gathering is Sun. Nov. 26th


Theology on TapYoung Adult Ministry - Theology on Tap : At the Flying Monkeys Brewery (in the Attic Lounge upstairs) on the following Sundays from 6:00-9:00 p.m.:

Nov. 19, 2023 and Jan. 21, Mar. 17, May 5 and June 23, 2024.



For more info. on Youth Ministry, please email: or call Shannon Barks at 705-229-7426.