Lent header

4th Sunday of Lent (March 10, 2024)

已发布 : Mar-07-2024

Stations of the CrossWe invite you to attend Stations of the Cross each Friday during Lent at 7:00 p.m. 



Praying for the Sick and Faithful Departed

prayer requestsIf you or a family member is sick please let us know and we shall add their name to our prayer list which is posted in the gathering space of the church.

We remember in pray those who have died recently including: Guy Hachey and Art Baker.



Daylight Savings Time Spring ForwardTime change to Daylight Savings

Don’t forget to turn your clocks forward one hour tonight (Sunday, March 10th, 2024) before you go to bed.  Time change at 2:00 a.m.


CPR Course

CPRSaturday, April 6th from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm in parish hall. Sign in at 8:30 a.m.

Call or text Karen Boyle at 705-321-0898 to register. Class size limited to 12.


Hospital Visitation

Hospital VisitationIf you or a family member are admitted to RVH please let them know you are Catholic and call the parish office to inform us. If you wish to receive Holy Communion please let the parish office know and one of our pastoral visitors will come to see you.


The Season of LentOur Lenten Journey: Come and Journey with a Savior

The liturgical season of Lent prepares us to celebrate the Easter Triduum and the wonderful fifty days of Easter. Our Lenten hymn Come and Journey invites us to reflect on our lives as disciples and our call to be a sign of Christ in the world.


Announcing the 2024 ShareLife Campaign

ShareLife Sunday is March 17th.

ShareLife CharityAs we approach our first ShareLife Sunday collection on March 17, it is essential that we come together in compassion to meet our Parish Campaign goal of $14 million, addressing the growing needs in our communities.  By reaching this goal, our agencies will continue to:

  • Offer walk-in counselling to those facing mental health issues
  • Help victims of domestic violence
  • Ensure isolated seniors are not forgotten
  • Deliver food to children in developing countries
  • Form priests and deacons who will minister in our parishes

Your support of ShareLife makes these programs possible, among many others. Please give at the parish using a ShareLife envelope, online through our parish website, or at sharelife.org/donate.

Our Parish Goal this year is $136,500.

Thank you for supporting our parish’s ShareLife campaign.


word of GodCelebrating the 2nd and 3rd Scrutiny - Please note: Today, on March 10th and 17th at all Sunday (Saturday evening) Masses the readings for the Liturgy of the Word will be from Year A.  The readings all have a strong baptismal theme. For those who use a Living with Christ missal to prepare you will find these readings in your Missal.


Parish Lenten Confessions

Sacrament of ReconciliationOur parish will have multiple priests available for the Sacrament of Reconciliation on:

Monday, March 18th      from   7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

Friday, March 22nd         from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

We invite you to take this opportunity before Easter to make the journey into the heart of our relationship with God.  Take this challenge and hold it in readiness for the rich blessing that is manifest in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.


All Adults 55+ -- Ministry with Maturing Adults

All are welcome to attend the various sessions offered for those in the second half of life.Tree representing Ministry with Maturing Adults

seniors exercisingVON SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) Exercise Program is held on Tuesday mornings. For details regarding registration please call: VON at 705 737 5044 ext. 221.


meditationChristian Meditation is an ancient form of contemplative prayer rooted in the Christian tradition. We will meet at 10:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 12th on Zoom. All are welcome! If you are interested in learning more about this form of prayer please contact Catherine Ecker. (cecker@archtoronto.org or 705 728 2985 ext. 115).


Irish music by The Flailing ShilaleighsAn Afternoon of Music: Wednesday March 13th

2:00 – 3:30 p.m.

Pat Gowan and Chris Ness of The Flailing Shilaleighs will be performing mostly traditional Irish and East Coast Canadian music.  Refreshments will be served. Free will offering. All are welcome.


life story writingAlumni Writing Groupthis is a gathering for those who have already completed the Life Story Writing program. The monthly meeting will be held on Thursday, March 14th at 2:00 p.m. in St. Joseph’s Room.



save the dateSave the Date!  Human Trafficking

The presentation by the OPP Human Trafficking Unit will be held on Tuesday, April 30th from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.



Seasons of Hope Bereavement Group to Begin

bereavement groupOur Lord assured us that those who mourn and blessed and they shall be comforted.  Seasons of Hope helps us come together to share in God’s love. Whether your loss is recent or long ago, Seasons of Hope is a nurturing link to the Church, our God and people of faith who understand what it means to grieve.  Come and be comforted. The group meets at 7:30 p.m. for six consecutive Wednesdays beginning April 10th in St. Joseph’s Room.  Registration is required. For more details or to register please contact Catherine Ecker in the parish office at 705 728 2985 ext. 115.


Youth Ministry

Ages K to Grade 5 groupM.E.R.C.Y. (Ministry to Educate Roman Catholic Youth) is for youth grades J.K. to Gr. 4 and gathers once a month on Friday nights from 6:00-7:30 p.m. where we explore our faith in a dynamic way through activities, games, crafts and music. 

Our next gathering is Friday, April 12th.. Registration required. 


EDGE 2023EDGE is a youth ministry program for youth grades 5-8 to come together once a month on a Friday from 6:00-7:30 p.m.  EDGE is a safe, fun place for youth to find solid Catholic community, to get answers to their questions about faith and most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way.  Our next gathering is Friday, March 22nd.

LifeTeen 2023LIFETEEN – for high school teens to explore their faith through talks, prayer and friendship meeting monthly on Sunday nights. Our next gathering is TODAY Sunday, March 10th after the 4:00 p.m. Mass.  Dinner provided.


Theology on TapTheology on Tap - At the Flying Monkeys Brewery (in the Attic Lounge upstairs) on the following Sundays from 6:00-9:00 p.m.:  March 17th, May 5th and June 23rd, 2024.  Mark your calendars!



A Man for All Seasons

Join us for Classic Movies at St. Mary’s Parish. Our next movie is on Tuesday, March 26th at 2:00pm.

For Holy Week we will be watching the Academy Award winning film A Man For All Seasons (1966) about the last days of Saint Thomas More.

Starring Paul Scofield, Robert Shaw and Orson Welles.

Snacks included and all are welcome!