Welcome to St. Mary's

15th Sunday in Ordinary Time

已发布 : Jul-14-2023

Prayers for the Sick and Faithful Departedprayer requests

If you have a family member who is sick please let us know and we shall add their name to our prayer list which is posted in the gathering space of the church. The list will be updated weekly.

Please remember all who have died recently including

Anne Bridgid D’Orazio, Sophie Weeden and Baby Reign Antonio Sooman.


Hospital signVisiting the Hospital: if you or a family member are admitted to RVH and would appreciate a visit from someone at St. Mary’s please call or email the parish office. Please note: the hospital no longer provides us with a list of Catholics who are hospitalized; therefore, you must notify the parish.


Wedding ringsWedding Anniversaries Living and Celebrating the Sacrament of Marriage

The expression a wedding lasts a day a marriage lasts a lifetime highlights the importance of celebrating and living marriage vows day after day. The married couples in our parish are a sign to us of God’s faithfulness and through their witness we are strengthened.  If you celebrated a wedding anniversary in July we shall pray with you and share in your joy at all Sunday (Saturday evening) Masses on July 29th and 30TH. Please join us in thanking God for the gift of the married couples in our midst.


Annual BlueBerry PANCAKE Festival

Blueberry Pancake FestivalBarrie Council 1626 Knights of Columbus and the Gervais Family invite everyone to celebrate the annual blueberry pancake festival on July 29 & 30 from 8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m. at Barrie Hill Farms, 2935 Barrie Hill Rd. Cost: $12.00/adult & $8.00/child and includes: pancakes with blueberries, sausages and coffee or juice. Net proceeds will be donated to Hospice Simcoe.



World Day for Grandparents and Elderly

World Day for Grandparents and ElderlyIn January 2021 Pope Francis established the World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly.  This year the Church will celebrate this day on July 23, the Sunday before the feast of Saints. Anne and Joachim, the grandparents of Jesus.

The theme for the day, selected by the pope, will be “His mercy is from age to age” (Luke 1:50).

According to the Vatican Dicastery for Laity, Family, and Life, the theme is linked to the theme for World Youth Day 2023, which also comes from the first chapter of the Gospel of Luke: “Mary arose and went with haste” (Luke 1:39).

World Day for Grandparents and ElderlyPope Francis will preside over a special Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica to mark the grandparents’ day and has invited parishes, dioceses, associations, and communities around the world to celebrate the day “in their own pastoral context.” We will include a blessing for grandparents, grand aunts and uncles at all Masses on Sunday (Saturday evening) Masses on July 22nd and 23rd.



Are You Interested in Becoming a Catholic?

RCIA programThe journey towards becoming a full member of the Catholic Church includes time for prayer, catechesis (teaching) and conversation. The initiation process is for those who are not baptized and for those baptized in another Christian tradition and seek to be full members of the Catholic Church.  If you would like more information about becoming a member of the Catholic Church please contact Catherine Ecker at 705 728 2985 ext. 115 or email: cecker@archtoronto.org.



thank youThank you to all of the leaders, pastoral team, Knights of Columbus, parents, grandparents and campers for a successful Bible Camp.  Learning and fun was had by all as we celebrated the 20th Anniversary of St. Mary’s Bible Camp!

We look forward to Bible Camp next year!  Save the date July 2-5th, 2024.



Baptism for Children Over the Age of 7Baptism

The preparation for baptism of children over the age of seven is distinctly different than the process for infants and young children.  If you are seeking baptism for your child who is seven years of age or older, please contact Catherine Ecker (cecker@archtoronto.org) for details on the preparation process.


Summer Classic Movies Family Film AfternoonSummer Classic Movies

Family Film Afternoon

Join us on Thursday, July 20th at 2:00 p.m. for a classic Walt Disney film festival.  Our afternoon program will be made up of Walt Disney shorts and a feature film, as well as trivia and prizes. A great way to get out of the heat and see some classic Disney movies on the big screen!  All members and families of the parish are welcome!  Free will donation with light snacks included.



The Annual Mass of the Faithful Departed

cross and windThe Annual Mass for the Faithful Departed will be celebrated by Rev. Larry Léger on Wednesday, August 16th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Cemetery, 208 Sunnidale Road.   

In the event of rain, the Mass will be held at St. Mary’s Church at 7:00 p.m. 

All are welcome.



Eucharistic Adoration

Eucharistic adorationTake place daily in the chapel Monday through Friday from 1:00 p.m. Mass until 6:00 p.m. 

For information or if you have any question, please call Mary Bond at (705) 726-6641.


Ministry with Maturing Adults: For All Adults 55+

All are welcome to attend the various session offered for those in the second half of lifeTree representing Ministry with Maturing Adults


seniors exercisingVON SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) Exercise Program is held on Tuesday mornings.

For details regarding registration please call: VON at 705 737 5044 ext. 221.


Life Story Writing Program: September 2023

life story writingThe Life Story Writing Programme provides an opportunity to stop, take stock, and look back over the process of life in order to gain deeper understanding, clearer perspective and a more integrated view.  Undertaken from a faith perspective, it is a search for evidence in your life that God has been with you and is still with you.  Such discovery nourishes one’s inner being, renews one’s spirit and energizes for the journey ahead.”

You do not need to be an experienced writer to participate in the Life Story Writing Program. Each person receives a workbook and the sessions provide suggestions and opportunities to practice writing. 

We will offer this six-week program beginning Monday, September 18th. The sessions will be held on Mondays from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. A fee of $20.00 is requested to cover the cost of printing. Advance registration is required. To register or for more information please contact Catherine Ecker at cecker@archtoronto.org or call 705 728 2985 ext. 115.


Our LabyrinthPlaque of Labyrinth outside St. Mary's Church

As part of the 2010 renovation project a labyrinth was laid in 2011. The labyrinth is located directly in front of the main doors of the church.  It is 43 feet in diameter with 8 circuits. Four benches are placed on the perimeter of the labyrinth. A labyrinth combines the imagery of a circle and a spiral. A circle is infinite that God’s love and a spiral draws us deeper into our relationship with God. A labyrinth is often called a walking meditation.  A labyrinth is not a maze, you cannot ‘get lost’ in the labyrinth, when you reach the centre you then walk out and the entrance becomes the exit. If you would like to learn more about walking the labyrinth please contact Catherine Ecker at 705 728 2985 ext. 115 or Email:cecker@archtoronto.org.