Ordinary Time

14th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Przesłane : Jul-09-2024

WelcomeNext weekend, July13/14 we will have hospitality Sunday to welcome Father Neil Pereira, our Associate Pastor.  Below is a biography for your information.

Rev. Fr. Neil Pereira, 34, was born in Manama, Bahrain where he lived for only a few short years. He grew up in Mumbai, India and then eventually immigrated to Canada when he was in grade 10. Even though his parents taught him the faith from an early age there was no inclination to priesthood in his early life. The figure of Mother Theresa, however, intrigued him as a shining example of complete surrender to Christ. To him, her joy was infectious; he wanted what she had but without having to do what she did. His faith remained limited to an hour of mass on Sunday and the occasional prayer meetings of the charismatic renewal. His experience with the University of Toronto chaplaincy showed him that his faith was not merely a personal choice but a communally lived reality. In 2011, he graduated from U of T with a degree in Psychology and Human Resources. That same summer he worked for the Archdiocese of Toronto as a Totus Tuus Missionary and in the fall entered St. Augustine’s Seminary. He continues to be an avid reader and sports fan (soccer, basketball, cricket), as well as maintaining his interest in psychology.  Fr. Neil looks forward to serving the people of God at St. Mary’s Church.


Praying for the Sick and Faithful Departed

prayer requestsSt. James reminds us of our calling to pray for those in need and for the sick.  As the baptized we all share in the ministry of prayer. If you have a family member who is sick please let us know and we shall add their name to our prayer list which is posted in the gathering space of the church. The list will be updated weekly.  We will include the name of the person in the General Intercessions (Prayer of the Faithful) for one week.  We will continue to print in the bulletin the names of those who have died recently.

Please remember all who have died recently including Carroll MacDonald and Cathy MacLeod.

Hospital VisitationVisiting the Hospital: if you or a family member are admitted to RVH and would appreciate a visit from someone at St. Mary’s please call or email the parish office. Please note: the hospital no longer provides us with a list of Catholics who are hospitalized; therefore, you must notify the parish.


Summertime and Family Prayer

Family PrayingThroughout the summer many families are traveling. Before you begin a trip, you are invited to pray together.

Loving God, source of all life and joy,

be with us as we travel,

may we be respectful of those we meet,

grateful for those who offer hospitality,

patient and kind to one another,

and alert to the wonders of your world.

Remind us of your loving presence

and bring us safely home.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.



It is always appropriate to begin meals with prayer. The following prayer may be prayed in unison or lead by one person.

Loving God, we give you thanks for this food.

Teach us to be grateful for your many gifts

and give us strength

to share what we have with others.



The Annual Mass for the Faithful Departed

cross and windThe Annual Mass for the Faithful Departed will be celebrated by Most Rev. John A. Boissonneau on Wednesday, August 14th at 7:00 p.m. at St. Mary’s Cemetery, 208 Sunnidale Road.  In the event of rain, the Mass will be held at St. John Vianney Church, 13 Baldwin Lane, at 7:00 p.m.  All are welcome.



Baptism for Infants and Children under the Age of 7

baptismParents are invited to speak with Fr. Larry Léger, Pastor or Fr. Neil Pereira, Associate Pastor or Catherine Ecker after any Sunday (Saturday evening) Mass to receive a baptism preparation package. The package provides detailed information on the preparation process. A date to celebrate Baptism is not chosen until the preparation is complete.



The Procession of the Gifts of Bread and Wine

At each Sunday (Saturday evening) Mass two people carry the gifts of bread and wine to the altar. These two people represent each of us as we offer to God the gifts of bread and wine and the gift of our own lives. The individuals carrying the gifts are to be Catholic and have celebrated their first Holy Communion. If you wish to carry the gifts of bread and wine it is important to arrive early for Mass and to speak with Catherine Ecker or David Murdoch.


Summer Classic Movies

To Kill a MockingbirdJoin us for Summer Classic Movies at St. Mary’s Parish, a summer treat of wonderful films of the past on Tuesday afternoons at 2:00 p.m. in the parish hall.  It’s great way to be introduced (or to be reintroduced) to the classic stories that have been entertaining generations and see them on a big screen!  All films are considered for General Audience and we invite everyone of all ages to come and enjoy some wonderful films.

Our kick off movie this Tuesday, July 9 is To Kill a Mockingbird.  Harper Lee’s glorious novel comes to life in this classic adaption of race relations in the south during the Depression told from a young girl’s point of view. Starring Gregory Peck (as Atticus Finch), Mary Badham, Brock Peters and Robert Duvall. 1962. 129min. MATURE THEMES


The One Table

During the Season of Easter, the Easter (Paschal) Candle is to be placed close to the ambo.  In our parish the Easter Candle is placed between the ambo and the altar. The placement of the Easter Candle meant no one could walk between the ambo and the altar. When Ordinary Time begins we are to move the Easter Candle close to the baptismal font.

The Church reminds us that “The liturgy of the Word and liturgy of the Eucharist together form ‘one single act of worship’, the Eucharistic table set for us is the table both of the Word of God and of the Body of the Lord.” Catechism of the Catholic Church par. 1346

During every celebration of Mass, we hear God’s Word proclaimed and like the disciples on the road to Emmaus with our hearts burning we offer our praise and thanks to God and are fed the Body and Blood of Christ. 

To highlight and strengthen our understanding of the unity of the one table we are learning not to walk between the two tables.



All Adults 55+ - Ministry with Maturing Adults

VON SMART (Seniors Maintaining Active Roles Together) Exercise Program is held on Tuesday mornings. For details regarding registration please call: VON Tree representing Ministry with Maturing Adultsat 705 737 5044 ext. 221.

Life Story Writing Program: September 2024 - The Life Story Writing Programme provides an opportunity to stop, take stock, and look back over the process of life in order to gain deeper understanding, clearer perspective and a more integrated view. The program helps to uncover evidence that God has been with you and is still with you. The program nourishes participants and offers an opportunity for renewal.  

No writing experience is needed to participate in the Life Story Writing Program. Each person receives a workbook and the sessions provide suggestions and opportunities to practice writing. 

We will offer this six-week program beginning Monday, September 16th. The sessions will be held on Mondays from 2:00 – 3:30 p.m. A fee of $20.00 is requested to cover the cost of printing. Advance registration is required. To register or for more information please contact Catherine Ecker at cecker@archtoronto.org or call 705 728 2985 ext. 115.